A programme specially designed to take young people on a journey of learning how to make a positive difference which will be beneficial to society and to themselves.
Youth Project NZ is a Charitable Trust based in East Auckland, our free programme is available for schools and individuals throughout East and South Auckland.
We create a pathway for our tamariki from school years 0 - 13 to connect with the community and it is our belief that we need to start the connection early to build a strong sense of belonging. Our programme will provide support and guidance to enable young people to establish these connections, have fun and learn from their experiences.
This programme, which is free of charge, is available to schools and individuals.

What We Do
Kindness in the Community
Schools Years 0-6
The programme starts with Kindness Activities . Our aim is to work with children in Primary schools, providing activities that teach children the virtue of kindness. We will achieve this by encouraging the children to talk about kindness while participating in activities with the result being shared in their community. This is all provided with no cost for the school. The continuity of our involvement throughout the years will help normalise the act of kindness with children.
Youth Community Engagement
School Years 7 -13
Students at intermediate and College can take part in Community Engagement activities, both within schools and outside in the community. Youth Community Engagement will offer students the opportunity to engage with the community. These will cover a variety of subjects such as environmental work, social involvement and community activities. We offer colleges a 15 week volunteering programme which takes place after school to help students complete the service element of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. This is all provided with no cost for the school.
Individual Volunteering
School Years 0-13
This part of our programme encourages all youth to connect with their community by volunteering. This takes place in the students' own time, outside of school hours. We have various volunteering opportunities for all ages, matching the students with their particular interests. This is provided at no cost to the individual.
By volunteering young people can...
Learn new skills and gain valuable work experience
Get involved in the local community and make a difference
Put into practice the skills and knowledge being learnt and experience new ones
Improve interpersonal skills, self-achievement, team working and self-confidence
Learn to manage relationships and improve listening skills
Learn leadership and negotiation qualities
Understand diversity
Have fun

Contact us
For information about our programme in schools or to volunteer please contact:
Claire - Project Manager
021 039 6118
for information about our general work, sponsorship or funding please contact:
Ann - Trustee
021 032 3283